PRP: Can Torn Ligaments & Tendons Be Repaired Without Surgery?
As with almost any injury or condition, some are worse than others… and if you’ve been told that you have torn ligaments, tendons, meniscus or labrum, your injury is in the “worse” or “worst” categories. But you already know that because of your limited range of motion and pain.
If you’ve been told by an orthopedic surgeon that you need surgery to repair your damaged joint, then you are facing a hospital visit, general anesthesia, risks of complications, weeks or months of limited ability on crutches or in a cast, and up to a year of recovery and physical therapy before the surgeon says things might be “normal” again.
Before you commit to a surgery that you may regret from the very first day, you should know that there IS an alternative to joint surgery that has none of those disadvantages.

My name is Dr. Peter Fields, and I am the leading expert in Regenerative Orthopedics and uniquely degreed as both an MD and a Doctor of Chiropractic. I’m here to tell you that in many cases, you do NOT need to have surgery to repair a damaged ligament, tendon, labrum, or meniscus and the pain that goes with it.
My treatments have helped thousands of people resume their normal lives without joint surgery, and there’s a very good chance that I can do the same for you.
I am a specialist in a natural, nonsurgical method of assisting the body to heal injured tendons and ligaments called Prolotherapy. My Prolotherapy treatments help your body make new cells to repair the damage in your joint. And for severe tears injuries like yours, that means PRP Prolotherapy.
What is Prolotherapy?
Prolotherapy is a treatment that causes an increase in nutrient-rich blood cells in the affected area, causing your body to heal and strengthen injured or weakened ligaments, tendons or joints. Your own body does the work to grow healthy, strong and vibrant tissue. It’s incredibly effective.
As the tissue grows and strengthens, your joint begins to operate properly, and your pain (and the causes of your pain) dissipate. Many of my patients enjoy a permanent recovery from their symptoms and go back to living a normal life without joint pain.
That means you fix your joint problem and eliminate your pain with…
- NO surgery
- NO surgical complications
- NO general anesthesia
- NO long recovery
- NO hospital stay

What is PRP Prolotherapy?
When your injury is mild to moderate, we use Dextrose Prolotherapy. The dextrose formula causes your body to send platelets — the part of your blood that contains healing growth factors — to the affected area.
For more severe damage, we use PRP Prolotherapy. PRP means “Platelet Rich Plasma”, and the therapy isolates the platelets from your own blood in a centrifuge, and then re-injects this “platelet rich plasma” — with 7 to 10 times more concentrated growth factors — where it’s needed. PRP is more effective in these severe situations and typically results in 80% to 85% reduction in joint pain and a similar increase in range of motion. And the results are permanent.
In addition to severe tendon and ligament tears, torn meniscus and torn labrum, PRP is also effective with torn achilles tendon, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, and a long list of severe sports injuries in any joint.
Our patients keep telling us how thrilled they are with their new ability to move normally again. Here are just a few of our happy patients.
This ironman competitor had knee problems and he feared he’d never compete again. PRP got him back in the race!
She badly damaged her knee. Dr. Fields almost eliminated her pain in just 2 treatments. Now she’s “back to normal”!
Are you a Candidate For PRP Prolotherapy?
Let’s get you on the path to recovery without joint surgery. Contact my office today or call me at 310-453-1234 and set up a consultation to find out if you are a candidate for PRP Prolotherapy.
Schedule Your Consultation
To find out if you are a candidate for Stem Cell, PRP, or Prolotherapy, call Dr. Fields office at 310-453-1234 now, or fill out the Consultation form here.
- 2730 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 220 Santa Monica, CA 90403
- 310-453-1234
- Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
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